The Best Visual Merchandising Tactics to Raise Sales per Square Foot

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There is more to making sales than meets the eye. You must be able to get into the brains of the target clients and influence their actions.

At any moment, the human brain only processes 83% of what gets to it via the sense of sight. This means that the brain is always overwhelmed by what comes through the sense of sight. When crafting the store’s visual merchandising, this reality has to be factored at every aspect. Therefore, how do you make a hit with visual merchandising?

Let us take an example at this point. Consider the parts of the store that holds huge potential to drive conversions. Such sections MUST be carefully done and appealing merchandise appropriately displayed. Visual merchandising is the bedrock of making it right with such displays. Here are some great tactics that will help to drive sales per square foot.

Make sure to use display colors 

Colors are very effective in attracting customers to a store. The choice of color is also important in evoking emotions towards specific merchandise. Here, you need to understand how different colors are interpreted by the brains to drive actions. For example, orange and red are arousing while green and blue are calming.

Now, take advantage of these colors by following customer behavior trends. Such actions might include bolding letters to catch the clients’ eye, and contrasting the colors used by neighbors. Other actions might involve using subtle backdrop to maintain client’s attention. This is the reason why most retailers go for solid colored backgrounds.

Use product grouping to tell a story 

The way items are grouped can be used to activate imagination on their use. If a client can start imagining sitting on a couch on display, the next step will be purchasing it. Kick-start this process by telling a story. You can achieve this in two ways;

  1. Utilize the rule of three when setting displays. This will capture the clients’ gaze the moment a sense of imbalance is triggered in the brain.
  2. Ensure to use objects that will make clients stop and take a second glance. This can be achieved by including an odd item in one of the displays.

To get more with visual merchandising, ensure to also change the displays regularly and incorporate technology into the system. This will involve regular follow-up to understand what your clients want and giving it in overflowing measures.

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